Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement: Potential Gains

Thursday, February 22, 2024
Edward J. Balistreri
Duane Acklie College of Business Yeutter Institute Chair
Zoryana Olekseyuk
German Institute of Development and Sustainability


We investigate the potential effects of the newly negotiated WTO Investment Facilitation for Development (IFD) Agreement depending on the coverage of implemented provisions. The analysis is methodologically based on a multi-region general equilibrium simulation model including bilateral representative firms, foreign direct investment (FDI) and monopolistic competition. The results suggest substantial global welfare gains ranging between 0.63% for the IFD binding provisions and 1.73% for all IFD provisions. Countries in the group of Friends of Investment Facilitation for Development (FIFD) as well as low and middle-income countries gain the most. The benefits for all regions increase together with the coverage of the implemented IFD provisions as well as with the rising number of participating countries. This provides a strong incentive for non-participating developing countries to join the IFD, reform their investment frameworks in line with the IFD agenda, and use the support structure contained in the section on special and differential treatment.

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Edward J. Balistreri

Balistreri is the Duane Acklie College of Business Yeutter Institute Chair. View Biography

Zoryana Olekseyuk

Olekseyuk is a Senior Researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability. View Biography.

Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and not the Yeutter Institute or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.