Economic Impacts of Investment Facilitation

Monday, February 1, 2021

Edward J. Balistreri, Duane Acklie College of Business Yeutter Institute Chair

Zoryana Olekseyuk, German Institute of Development and Sustainability


We quantify the impacts of a potential Investment Facilitation Agreement (IFA) given the outcomes of the structured discussions. The analysis is based on an innovative multi-region general equilibrium simulation model including bilateral representative firms. Consideration is given to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and monopolistic competition. The model shows empirically relevant gains associated with removal of investment barriers. The expected global welfare gains range between 0.56% and 1.74% depending on the depth of a potential IFA. The benefits are concentrated among the members with the highest welfare increase for the low and middle income countries. Notable spillovers accrue to non-participants, which can be increased by joining the agreement. Our results contribute to the relatively scarce research on investment facilitation and provide policy makers with information on the potential effects of an IFA.

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Edward J. Balistreri

Ed Balistreri

Balistreri is the Duane Acklie College of Business Yeutter Institute Chair. View Biography

Zoryana Olekseyuk

Zoryana Olekseyuk

Olekseyuk is a Senior Researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability. View Biography


Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and not the Yeutter Institute or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.