China, Trade and Covid-19 [video]

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

China, Trade and Covid-19

David Morfesi, director of international trade at MinterEllison, Australia’s largest law firm, discusses China's role in the international trading system, how the Covid-19 pandemic may impact views of that role, and possible implications for the U.S.-China Phase One trade deal.

David Morfesi

David Morfesi


Mr. Morfesi specialises in WTO law, free trade agreements, bilateral investment treaties, anti-bribery and corruption, sanctions, export controls, trade remedies, customs matters, regulatory matters affecting trade in goods and services, and a full range of intellectual property law and policy matters.

Prior to joining MinterEllison, he was a trade negotiator for the Office of the United States Trade Representative, in the Executive Office of the President, based in both Washington, DC and Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to US free trade agreement negotiations and serving as delegate to the WTO and UN organisations in Geneva, he represented the US as counsel and technical expert for WTO dispute resolution.